Break The Bias This International Women’s Day

Women still make up a very small percentage of the IT and Technology sector with just over a quarter of these roles being occupied by women. However, MachineMax has been #breakingthebias since the company was founded in 2018 with just under half of all staff being women whilst also having talented women at every level, leading the way within the company.
Head of Product & Design, Kate Stephen said:
“As a woman in tech I’m contributing to a much wider goal - generating greater diversity, not only in the workplace but also in the solutions we build. Whilst women continue to be underrepresented in many tech companies, MachineMax has many incredible women across our team, and I hope we can be role models for those looking to start out or take the next step in their career.”
Find out what being a women in technology means to some of the team here at MachineMax: (left to right from image)
Shweta Saxena, Chief Executive Officer:
“We at Machinemax celebrate diversity and inclusion every day of the year. International Women's Day provides us one more opportunity to cheer for each other, because each time we cheer we create many ripples. Machinemax has women at every level - leading the way. Happy International Women's Day! “
Kate Stephen, Head of Product & Design – [Quoted above]
Juliet Ransom, Customer Success Manager:
“To be a woman in tech means to take up space in an industry that has the capability to change the world. It is exciting and ever changing. I believe woman bring a unique perspective to solving problems in the tech space and I am hopeful for the future.”
Jennifer Thomson, Chief Growth Officer:
“It allows me to use data to re-invent the status quo.”
Anagha Venkitaraman, Finance Manager:
“The fact that I get to spend my day solving puzzles is very rewarding and fulfilling. Working on implementing IOT solutions for construction and mining industries is the very change how Machine Max portrays the strength of its women to the world!”
Justyna Pinczuk, People Operations Manager:
“Making positive impact by using my skills and knowledge to make other people’s jobs easier and more productive.”
Xingzhe Xie, Senior Data Scientist:
“Working in tech for me means constant learning, staying sharp and smart, solving all sorts of challenging but very interesting problems.”
Leanne Henkelis, Senior Backend Engineer:
“Being a woman in technology means learning from the women who came before us and empowering those who come next.”